Randy McShandy's Webcabin

Hey I'm Randy and I'm just a guy.

I work in embedded software and I make alcohol. Sometime in early 2021 I finally got fed up with Windows and made the full move to Gahnoo+Linucks.

My other hobbies include cooking, lifting, games, and the usual weeb shit (except my taste is better than yours). Some sort of ideal future for me includes going roughly 35% Tedmode, excluding the you-know-whats.

Otherwise I like to work on small projects in my spare time when I have a fun idea.

My computing preferences revolve around not-quite-minimalism, FOSS, and hating modern websites.

Things That Are Here

Recent Things

Projects and other things to talk about. Most recent below, follow the <h2> for everything.

The Milk of Human Kindness - beer recipe

It's Hard to Be a God

Check out my buddy Dan's music!

I watched PIG (2021).

Au revoir pour toujours, monsieur Gates.

I made a website! This one.

A little asteroids-like game I made with Raylib.


Don't be a LandPeasant!