Randy McShandy's Webcabin

A Beer Recipe!

Posted 02/07/2023

The Milk of Human Kindness - Cream Ale

Here's a beer recipe I've been workshopping a little; I'll try and drop notes as I make more batches and adjust it.

Batch 1 - 01/01/2023

Made more or less to-spec with the linked recipe. This was the first batch I did with a refractometer and it was a life saver. I also tried my hand at a janky sparge/rinse to get some extra sugars out of the grain, and got probably a couple extra bottles out of it, but not sure if it was worth the extended boil time. Great brew but the grain I used was nearly a year old and I think that came through. Still really good though.

Batch 2 - 04/01/2023

Brewing this as I type. This week I bought a weldless valve kit for the kettle, hoping it would make transfers a lot easier, and it's going good so far. I'm using some fresh-bought and -milled pale malt for it this time in hopes that it improves flavor a lot, so we'll see. Other divergrences include WLP001 instead of US-05. First time trying it.

The Recipe


 An html export from BS3 for viewing from your browser

Direct download

 A direct download of the recipe for importing into BeerSmith 3